You've been called to this
Have you ever wondered what the purpose of a challenge is? Why do we face many challenges in life? Why can't life just be "smooth sailing" ? I know, you may have asked yourself these types of questions many times. Especially when things in life seem to be going just fine then "poof", your plans change, you lose your job, you fight with a friend/ spouse, you miss your goal, you get sick just at the wrong time, something breaks on your car, the unexpected bill shows up.... The list can go on and on. It is easy to blame Murphy's Law... but should we settle to just blame and not be open to ACCEPT something deeper and possibly more profound about a challenge we face? (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
Consider what a challenge or stress actually does to a living organism like a plant. In many regards, the challenge placed against life can create some beautiful things. If you are a gardener or know one, you probably have seen the "pruning" of various plants. (trees, roses, tomatoes, ect.) This pruning promotes growth, more fruit and a hardier plant. It is fascinating to know that there is a hormone in plants called "Auxin" that is essential for all aspects of plant development. The distribution of this hormone (and others) dictates where the plant expresses growth. Wherever there is lots of Auxin, that area grows. When a gardener ACCEPTs to prune his/ her plants, they set in motion a redistribution of that growth molecule. This allows the rest of the plant to grow even more. The plant looses part of its self but grows because of the science God designed. (Romans 1:20)
Could it be that like a plant, we need challenges to grow? Could it also be that we need to let go and lose part of ourselves (agenda, ego, wants, desires, frustrations...) to ACCEPT the Holy Spirits's leading to follow Jesus? (Mark 8:34) I have come to believe that the challenges we face each day are for the purpose refining our faith and desire for Christ in our life. If everything were "smooth" sailing, we may never realize our urgent need for our Heavenly Father. Read 1Peter 1:6-7 and ACCEPT God's wish to draw us close. Don't miss-understand or assume that God puts us through trials on purpose. His plans for us our good. (Jeremiah 29:11) The Holy Spirit, our "spiritual Auxin", shows up even more when we surrender and give-up part of our self to God. God's spirit gets redistributed to places in our life that needs growth.
The key to having a challenge provide "growth" in your life all depends on how you choose to ACCEPT the challenge. Be mindful and aware that we ALWAYS have a choice on how we respond to a challenge. I found these 5 great questions online that can help re-direct your paradigm of that challenge you face.
Ask God this:
1. What can I learn from this?
2. How can this strengthen me?
3. How can I use this to my advantage?
4. How can I use this to help others?
5. What would make this a worthwhile experience?
The only way to receive answers for your questions is to spend time in prayer with God. The depth of your connection to God allows you to deal with and ACCEPT what ever life throws at you. Spend the time and you will grow more in love with Jesus and be stronger when storms arise. In time you may see your challenges as blessings. You may give praise for a chance to express your faith because of a challenge you face. The start to a view of challenges like this starts with PRAYER.
The power of prayer is fundamental to spiritual growth and a relationship with Jesus. Think about what challenges you faced this week. Think that Jesus delivered you? Remember God is faithful and loves you. Our life can have purpose and meaning. That is our calling, testimony and gift to each other. ACCEPT life's challenges and worship His name.
Love & Blessings,
Your Partner in Worship
Bryan Henry M.Ed..